LONG OVERDUE!!!! We know it, and we are slightly ashamed of it… well not that ashamed really, because good things are well worth waiting for. And we are proud to announce very good things!!
At last, the winners of the Jali Bakary Konteh remix contest are in…
From Fulda / Würzburg Germany, our friends Hat+Hoodie pieced together a massive banger:
From Glasgow, Scotland, we couldn’t help but bring back the dubbed out sound of Voltergeist:
From San Francisco, California, we are excited to feature a deep cut by Señor Oz of Afrolicious:
And last but not least, a newbie on our radar, artfx! from Berlin, Germany:
This EP will come out in September, as soon as we get final cuts and master them… thanks again to all of you who submitted their remix, it was a very tough call!!! And again, congratulations to the winners, we love your choons!!!
I’ve managed to get unlimited web on my blackberry here in Ghana, and now a 3G USB modem, and before the modem the occasional cyber café. Well as it turns out, all of this is usually not enough to stream the tracks submitted for the remix… so how can we pick a winner?!?! The good new for prospective winners is that we might as well extend the submission period. So knock yourselves out, we’re giving you til the end of May. We’ve been getting emails telling us how great the remixes are – we believe it, we just hope we can actually LISTEN to them soon!!!!
1. Download the tracks HERE – 17 tracks (!) at 120 bpm, 213mb zip file.
2. Do what you do! Take the tracks and mash them up in any way you can think of..
3. Upload your remix in our Fairtilizer dropbox and name it Combination (your name Remix) and add “Jali Combination remix contest” in the tags.
Note: You have to register to Fairtilizer to be able to upload a track – it takes 30 seconds, it’s free, and it comes in reaaaal handy.
4. The winner(s) will be selected by Akwaaba Music.
Jali’s pictured here with Steve Pile, who also took care of Jali’s release party in Northern California. And landed this great piece in the local paper. More about Steve and his music on his website or his myspace page.
Jali Bakary Konteh is a kora player and singer from Brikama, Gambia. He comes from a griot family, which includes some of the world’s most renowned kora musicians. His father is Dembo Konteh, who has toured the world with his kora, and his Grandfather is Alhaji Bai Konteh, the first griot to popularize kora music in America with his album “Kora Melodies from the Gambia,” on Rounder records.
Jali Bakary has not only inherited the talents of his bloodline, but has also incorporated his own style and twist into the music, as the tracks here will show. He has played with many of the Gambia’s finest talent, including Pa Boba and Sanku Jobarteh, as well as with his father on National televesion numerous times. Konteh Kunda is his first full length album, entirely recorded at the Konteh Kunda music school in Brikama.