Art Melody – “Micro Makré”


This is the first preview off of Art Melody‘s upcoming fourth album, Moogho, which means “world”: the last couple of years have seen Art Melody touring and collaborating with artists from three different continents – Moogho itself was recorded between Burkina Faso, Ghana and France.

Micro Makré means “Mic check” in Mooré, the Mossi language of Burkina. Like an MC about to burst onto the mic, Art Melody pays hommage to the unified, powerful voice of the Burkinabè people, who stood up together on October 30 & 31, 2014, and put an end to president Blaise Compaoré’s 27 years in power.

Art Melody says: “If the mayor of the city only builds bars for the youth, then clearly we have reckless leaders. The youth holds diplomas but finds no jobs, instead they rival and evaluate each other in cases of beer, whisky and cigarettes. They are getting wasted, while the country needs to be built up.”

“People of Burkina, let’s get up, women and men of the Faso, if we sleep, we’re dead. If we’re dead, the country doesn’t exist anymore. Our country will never grow while people are laying down, so don’t sleep, and don’t forget the country needs us to develop, we must all rise in the same direction.”


Voici un premier aperçu du quatrième album d’Art Melody, Moogho, qui signifie “monde”: ces dernières années Art Melody a donné des concerts et collaboré avec des artistes de trois continents différents – l’album lui-même a été enregistré entre le Burkina Faso, le Ghana et la France.

Micro Makré  signifie “Mic check” en Mooré, la langue des Mossi du Burkina. À la manière d’un MC sur le point de se lancer et cracher son feu dans le micro, Art Melody rend hommage à la voix puissante et unifiée du peuple burkinabè, qui s’est exprimée le 30 et 31 octobre 2014 en mettant fin aux 27 ans de règne du président Blaise Compaoré.

Art Melody développe “Si le maire de la ville n’ouvre que des bars pour la jeunesse, alors nos leaders sont clairement inconscient. Les jeunes sont diplômés mais ne trouvent pas de travail, au lieu de ça ils se chamaillent à propos de bière, de whisky et de cigarettes. On gâche leur potentiel alors que le pays a besoin d’être développé.”

“Peuple du Burkina, levons-nous, femmes et hommes du Faso, si on s’endort, on est mort. Si on meurt, le pays n’existe plus. Notre pays ne grandira jamais si les gens sont couchés, donc ne dormez pas, et n’oubliez pas que le pays à besoin de nous pour se développer, on doit se lever tous ensemble dans la même direction.”


This is the first preview off of Art Melody‘s upcoming fourth album, Moogho, which means “world”: the last couple of years have seen Art Melody touring and collaborating with artists from three different continents – Moogho itself was recorded between Burkina Faso, Ghana and France.

Micro Makré means “Mic check” in Mooré, the Mossi language of Burkina. Like an MC about to burst onto the mic, Art Melody pays hommage to the unified, powerful voice of the Burkinabè people, who stood up together on October 30 & 31, 2014, and put an end to president Blaise Compaoré’s 27 years in power.

Art Melody says: “If the mayor of the city only builds bars for the youth, then clearly we have reckless leaders. The youth holds diplomas but finds no jobs, instead they rival and evaluate each other in cases of beer, whisky and cigarettes. They are getting wasted, while the country needs to be built up.”

“People of Burkina, let’s get up, women and men of the Faso, if we sleep, we’re dead. If we’re dead, the country doesn’t exist anymore. Our country will never grow while people are laying down, so don’t sleep, and don’t forget the country needs us to develop, we must all rise in the same direction.”
