Akwaaba meets Killamu in front of his home and studio in Luanda, Angola. Killamu’s been making kuduro beats for close to a decade, and explains the stories and realities of kuduro in Angola today. We highly recommend you watch the video in HD on Vimeo!
Enjoy the tease, Killamu’s full length album comes out January 12, 2010. If you haven’t already, go download Killamu’s song Flaminguinho right here for free.
You may remember Killamu’s remix of Tiramakossa on our Akwaaba Sem Transportekuduro compilation. His full album A Minha Face comes out very soon, starting with an iTunes exclusive January 12, 2010. We couldn’t resist to give you a free preview of one of his bangin’ kuduro beats. It was hard to pick one, the album features a handful of instrumental kuduro beats, as well as “regular” songs with some of Luanda’s finest lyricists. And even a couple kizomba tracks!
We look forward to unveiling the entire album, but in the meantime, we hope you dig Flaminguinho, a nice ingredient to blend into your mixes, o DJ friends. Blast it, pass it, slice it, dice it, and if you have a mix send it over, we can feature it here in our podcast. Feedback is always appreciated as well!
We recently got in touch with Graeme Sinden, DJ and host on London’s Kiss FM, who just did a show with Daniel Haaksman of Man Recordings. The show featured a lot of Man’s new stuff, in particular the Ku-Bo EP stuff (Ku-Bo is none other than Stefan Mörth, aka Stereotyp). But ALSO, and this is where you might start to feel your ears tickle, some tracks off of Killamu‘s album A Minha Face, which drops right here on Akwaaba January 12. Now luckily, the Dirty Friends blog posted the entire show, which you can download there or directly here.
Awesome, AWESOME mix of early (earlier?) kuduro, by Galliano, the first western dood we knew to push kuduro back in 2005 – 2006. If you read French, this interview is very interesting, it’s nice to see someone speak openly, even if it might piss people off. And it will ;p
Finally took the time to upload this live mix of BBRAVE rocking Overtoom 301 in Amsterdam last month. Entertain your guests by blasting out the second half of the mix, which will help them get loooooose!